 1 | 1   | 4
 2 |{5}  |{8}
 3 | 9   |{17}
 4 |{18} |{23}
 5 | 24  | 27
 6 | 28  | 34
 7 |{35} |{41}
 8 |{42} |{52}


This is the equation which governs the flow of fluids such as water and air. However, there is no proof for the most basic questions one can ask: do solutions exist, and are they unique? Why ask for a proof? Because a proof gives not only certitude, but also understanding. (Clay Institute).

Navier–Stokes Equation

By this paper it is derived a sufficient condition keeping energy conservation in terms of the gradient of the velocity for the weak solutions of the compressible Euler equations for both the non-vacuum and the vacuum cases.